Lawn Maintenance CVBA is a partnership between the Chambersburg and Greencastle-Antrim chambers of commerce. go Results Found: 4 Button group with nested dropdown Turf Medic Turf Medic 13842 Mercersburg Road Greencastle PA 17225 (301) 733-3633 Wiegands Professional Lawn Wiegands Professional Lawn 379 Mt. Pleasant Road PO Box 69 Fayetteville PA 17222 (717) 352-8692 Hornbaker's Landscaping Hornbaker's Landscaping 951A Progress Road Chambersburg PA 17201 (717) 261-9560 Visit Website Goodwill Keystone Area Goodwill Keystone Area 4 Wisconsin Avenue Chambersburg PA 17202 (717) 261-1337